
These are the selected presentation slides that I have used in internal reading groups, workshops, and conferences.

External presentations

On interpretation of GATs based on attention

This presentation was given before my short visit to UNSW Sydney, Australia, and it was a great opportunity to share my research (currently under review).

Towards MLPs as effective graph learning

This presentation was given at the A3 workshop on 2023.02.21, and I was awarded the best presentation award.

PAGE: Prototype-Based Model-Level Explanations for Graph Neural Networks

This presentation was given in the IITP project meeting on 2022.05.20. The presentation introduces the PAGE framework, which at the time the expanded version of the paper was under review.

Also, this is the poster that I presented for the short version, accepted at AAAI 2022.

Edgeless-GNN: Unsupervised Inductive Edgeless Network Embedding

This presentation was given during the 28th Samsung HumanTech award, which eventually led to the award of the bronze prize.

Internal reading groups

Selected slides from the internal reading groups that I have presented. Preparing for these presentations has been a great way to learn about new topics and to keep up with the latest research with a variety of topics.

Graph learning and Graph neural networks

  • Accelerative GNNs with MLPs: This was a presentation made when I was focused on developing different approaches to perform more efficient graph learning.

Explainable AI and Interpretable machine learning

Adversarial attacks & defenses

Causal learning

This was a two-part presentation where I introduced the basics of causal learning, which I got a LOT of help from “Introduction to Causal Inference” by Brady Neal. Thank you!!

Self-supervised learning

  • Introduction to SimCLR: This was a presentation made when I was interested in understanding the SimCLR framework.

Knowledge distillation

Physics-informed machine learning (PIML)

Unsupervised disentanglement